Join us: become a Partner

Are you interested in the initiative? By sending us some information about your Sports Center, we will be able to prepare a personalized presentation with the services, technical solutions and business model commensurate with the sports practiced in your facility, the type of pitches and the services and size of the facility. Send the form and you will be contacted as soon as possible.

Benefits for Replayer Partners

Request a personalized presentation

Enter the data of the Sports Center and information on the playing fields: you can enter up to 5 different sports. If your facility allows the practice of other sports, please report this in the notes
Sports Center
Indicate the type of internet connection active at your Sports Center
Sports 1
Sports 2
Sports 3
Sports 4
Sports 5:
Contact info
Indica nome e cognome della persona che dobbiamo contattare

To answer you and provide you with more information about Replayer, your consent to the processing of the data entered in the form is required, as described in the Privacy Policy of this site.
