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… or read the thoughts on sport that inspired the Replayer project
Man is entirely a man only when he plays.

Citius Altius Fortius

The winner does not comment on the mistakes of others, but solves them.
In sports you can choose between the pleasure of winning and the pleasure of defeat.
Where can I get to? I don’t know, but I always try.
Sport is part of the heritage of every man and every woman, and its absence can never be compensated for.
Great player sees highways where others only see trails.

Those who play sports understand before others what a sense of belonging is.
Practicing a sport should not be based on the idea of success, but on the idea of giving the best of oneself.
You can’t put limits on anything. The more you dream, the further you will go.

There is no greater glory for a man than to show the lightness of his feet and the strength of his arms.
You can’t win without first learning how to lose.

For every individual, sport is a possible source of inner improvement.
There is a virtuous circle in sport: the more you enjoy it the more you train; the more you train the more you improve; the more you improve the more you enjoy it.

I can accept to fail, anyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not to try.
Sport teaches that talent is not enough for victory, it takes work and daily sacrifice. In sport as in life.
In sport, a moment can never be the same as another.

You can get drugged with good things… And one of these is certainly sport.
Playing sports is effortless effort.
Sport needs planning, innovation, constant commitment.

If you don’t believe in yourself, no one will do it for you.
The important thing in life is not to triumph but to fight, it is not to have won but to have fought well

Sport consists in delegating to the body some of the highest virtues of the soul.
Studying the game, applying yourself but above all having fun.
It doesn’t matter how much you score. What matters is to leave the field happy.
Nothing like sport can give crazy joys that last a moment, and you have to make it last in your heart.